New Delhi: One of the pioneering players in the consumer electronics space, French lifestyle brand ZOOOK has announced its foray into the wearable device market with the launch of ZOOOK Dash Junior – an all-new smartwatch designed especially for kids and teenagers. The affordable timepiece, launched at an introductory price of Rs 3499, comes in bright blue and pink colour variants. Dash Junior is engineered to complement the exuberance of the little ones and encourage them to further enhance their fast-paced lifestyle, as it is loaded with eight in-built games and six different sports modes.
“We have a plethora of smartwatches for grown-ups in the market that offer different health tracking metrics and a host of other lifestyle aiding features, but there is an apparent scarcity of the same when it comes to timepieces for kids. Dash Junior is an attempt by ZOOOK to make our generation next feel invigorated in a secured environment. Dash Junior has an in-built child lock feature with which parents can set the watch lock with a password, thereby controlling how the young ones make use of the different features,” said Achin Gupta, Country Head-India at ZOOOK.
He further said that apart from child lock feature and in-built games, the IP68 water resistant smartwatch for kids offers as many as 10 alarm settings for daily routine jobs like waking up, having breakfast, going to school, doing homework, playing sports, spending time with the family or going to bed at night. Boasting a square shaped 1.4” screen and IP68 water resistance, ZOOOK Dash Junior has eight different watch faces along with trackers for heart rate and sleep monitoring. It offers a 7-day battery life.
The launch assumes significance as it is the first range of smartwatch from the house of the lifestyle brand, which has in the past offered innovative products across Audio, TWS, consumer electronics and gaming categories.