Some Simple tax-saving tips you should know as Beginners
When you become eligible for paying tax then during this initial time period you deal with lots of confusion, worries, and a question in...
How is Innovation Driving the Retailtainment Industry?
The recent innovation in technology has reformed immensely and continues to reshape the retail & e-commerce industry. However, due to the unprecedented challenges, retailing...
Best 5 Tax Saving Investment Options Other than 80C
The tax system offers a lot of opportunities to the taxpayers to reduce their taxable income, but most of the taxpayers focus only on...
Will Indian real estate sector scale new heights in 2022-23?
As they say, every dusk sets the stage for a new dawn. The past couple of years have been very challenging for the economy...
7 emerging trends in office space industry 2022-23
Every vertical of the Indian real estate sector, be it the office spaces industry or residential home buying, faced severe headwinds during the pandemic....
4 reasons why 2022-23 will be the best for first-time homebuyers
Most real estate experts would corroborate with the fact that Coronavirus only deferred home-buying decisions of potential investors and did not suppress it altogether....
4 tips women investors should keep in mind when planning taxes
A Smart woman always takes a smart step, especially when it is about investment. They spend well on certain things and ignore the unnecessary...