Home More Chai Sutta Bar to hire 500+ professionals from EWS Category

    Chai Sutta Bar to hire 500+ professionals from EWS Category

    · Company has employed more than 400 impoverished people in 2021 · The company has been providing opportunities to orphans and especially abled persons from below poverty line section of the society.


    Chai Sutta Bar, a national and global beverage brand, is providing not just flavours in kulhads but also employment to youths from economically weaker sections. The brand is known for its work towards the upliftment of potter communities, orphans, differently able and people from below poverty line section of the society by not only lending a hand but also by generating employment opportunities for the said section.

    In 2021 only, Chai Sutta Bar has opened 110 outlets while generating employment opportunities for at least 400 people from the economically poor section. Now, with the expansion plan for 2022 the company targets to provide employment to more than 500 people with a similar background. Since its earlier days, the company has been providing opportunities to orphans and especially abled persons and aims to continue its efforts in providing flavours in life in a real sense.

    The company uses over 3 lakhs kulhads every day and supports more than 500 potter families. It also employs more than 1500 people from a diverse section of the society with special emphasis on weaker sections.

    “Over 3 lakh kulhads are used every day. We wanted to help thousands of pottery makers. As we keep expanding, we will require close to 5 lakhs of kulhads every day,” said Anubhav Dubey, Co-Founder of Chai Sutta Bar. Dubey also aims to have Chai Sutta Bar’s presence in every city of India within two years, thus spreading more happiness and generating more employment opportunities for the people of India.The company has opened its outlets in 200 cities in India and countries like Dubai and Oman. Nevertheless, the brand has also spread its magic through three outlets in the city of dreams, Mumbai in Vasai, Thane and Kopar Khairane recently.

    VIATeam The Via
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