Saraf Furniture, India’s solid wood furniture player in a major move has announced that it is planning to invest Rs 10 crores appx. for expanding its existing product portfolio. A leading manufacturer of Sheesham wood furniture, Saraf Furniture will be focusing on its products range of home décor and furnishings in the current investment. Major categories will include lightning, accessories and rugs and carpets.
Saraf Furniture hails from Sardarshahar, a small town in Rajasthan. They run their operations near the town, so as to provide employment opportunities to the locals. The new products to be added will also be manufactured in their headquartered town Sardarshahar. This will initiate fresh hiring of over 200 individuals.
The hiring will take place from various social media platforms like LinkedIn. Applications will also be accepted for offline submissions. The specially abled individuals will be hired for off-field work activities like after sale services, tele-calling, quality check, designing and content writing. The company will make sure that the new employees are felt at ease and is formulating policies to smooth out the process of hiring. Necessary infrastructure changes will include construction of ramps and washrooms. Certain sitting area changes to be also initiated to make the new employees comfortable
Speaking about the event, Mr. Raghunandan Saraf, Founder and CEO- Saraf Furniture Said, “As a business it is our duty to promote equality at workplace. We must lay emphasis to the skills required for working. It’s been some time that we were thinking of this initiative to expand but now with things lining up, we have crafted a base and the production units are ready to ensure increased production capacities. We wish to serve our customers to the best of our abilities.”
Saraf Furniture has been in talks for taking the unconventional approach from providing period leaves to its women employees to give 12 day holiday break to its employees in the past weeks. Also the company is in talks about their expansion plans. Soon Saraf Furniture will be expanding their offline presence in major cities across the country.